Confined to his Tahitian hut by the French colonial authorities in 1903, the painter Paul Gauguin is forced to paint a new masterpiece to save his five-year-old native son, while battling illness and torn between madness and sanity. In the course of these events, memories of the past, especially of his life and work at the Panama Canal, the place where his artistic career began and his guilt at abandoning his family in Paris, begin to haunt him.
Sinopsis en Español
Confinado en su cabaña tahitiana por las autoridades coloniales francesas en 1903, el pintor Paul Gauguin se ve obligado a pintar una nueva obra maestra para salvar a su hijo nativo de cinco años, mientras lucha contra una enfermedad y se debate entre la locura y la cordura. En el transcurso de estos hechos, los recuerdos del pasado, especialmente de su vida y obra en el Canal de Panamá, el lugar donde comenzó su carrera artística, y el remordimiento que todavía siente por abandonar a su familia en París, comienzan a pesar sobre su conciencia.
Prisoner in his Tahiti cabin by French colonial authorities, legendary painter Paul Gauguin was forced to paint a new masterpiece to save his five-year-old native son as he battles disease and struggles between madness and sanity. He crashed into his memories of Panama traveling and working in the Canal Construction in 1887 and the guilt of abandoning his family in Paris.