
"Winner of the 2005 Ricardo Miro National Theater Award"

"Winner of the 2005 Ricardo Miro National Theater Award, the narrative source it´ss adapted to the cinema and the transmedia adventure GAUGUINCANAL begins."

"Play to show in Paris and Cannes"

"Theater director Julio Bouley is rehearsing the play to show in Paris and Cannes."

"Theater director Anselmo Cooper"

"Theater director Anselmo Cooper is rehearsing the play in Panama with a multicultural cast."

Julio Bouley

"What seems most interesting about the play is the permanent and simultaneous presence of two parallel planes: past and present, reality and fantasy, good judgment and delirium, facts and invention, art and science, continuity and discontinuity, knowledge and ignorance. The list could go on almost infinitely, but what generates this practically endless list is the combination in the same time and space of the nearly surreal relationship between one of the essential artists in the history of art, Paul Gauguin, and one of the most outstanding engineering achievements, The Panama Canal construction. How to transmit this duality and greatness on stage? A challenge from which it is impossible to escape."

Paris, theater director.


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    Prisoner in his Tahiti cabin by French colonial authorities, legendary painter Paul Gauguin was forced to paint a new masterpiece to save his five-year-old native son as he battles disease and struggles between madness and sanity. He crashed into his memories of Panama traveling and working in the Canal Construction in 1887 and the guilt of abandoning his family in Paris.